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"I have been using the SpatialMap911 product designed, by Spatial Systems Associates for a couple years, and I am very satisfied with the results.

I was able to transfer from my old addressing program to this one without a hitch and once up and running, I have had very little need for support. It has met all my addressing needs more than adequately."

—D. Carpenter
GIS Specialist
Garrett County, MD



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ArcPad enables GIS professionals and field-based personnel users to easily capture, edit and display GIS data in the field. Using ArcPad, users can accurately and reliably capture field data. ArcPad works with different types of mobile data collection units that incorporate GPS, digital cameras and rangefinders for increased data collection and accuracy. The ArcPad software also allows for sharing of GIS data between many different field workers providing the most accurate decisions to be made on the spot.


Key Features
GIS Data—Create, edit, analyze and display GIS data in both raster and vector formats. ArcPad can also act as a client to ArcIMS.

Hardware Data Collection—ArcPad is supported on field devices such as digital cameras, rangefinders, and GPS receivers. Field data, photos and coordinates can be taken with these devices and stored directly into the GIS.

Data Manager—Using the ArcPad data manager extension for ArcGIS Desktop, field edits can be incorporated into a geodatabase via disconnected editing

Customization—Create custom applications and mobile GIS solutions with the ArcPad application builder

Symbology—ArcPad supports many of the ArcGIS desktop symbology and style sheets for high quality data views in the field

StreetMap Extension—Included in the core functionality, enabling the ability for geocoding, reverse geocoding and routing